National Speaker Association

The National Speakers Association (NSA) is a collective of more than 3,400+ members whose skills, expertise and experience power the most recognized and respected professional speakers organization in the industry. Jeff is a professional member of NSA, and active within the Northwest Chapter based in Seattle.

Jeff will resume in-person presentations post-COVID; he has a studio with direct ethernet connections for reliable VIRTUAL presentations.

Click on the NSA logo to view Jeff’s page.


Understanding Climate Change, Our Impact, Our Future

Insurance analysts rate climate change as the number one threat to the financial future of their industry. The insurance industry says the 2020 hurricanes, wildfires, and other ‘natural’ disasters, amplified by climate change, cost the American economy $95 billion. Cities and states are spending millions and in cases billions to cope with the ongoing and expected impact of climate change. Young people list climate change as their biggest source of long-term stress…a recent study indicated 96% now question whether it’s even worthwhile to start a family. 


This highly polarized subject often generates more heat than light. That obscures the reality of what scientists know, what they can predict, and the development of impact mitigation measures. If climate change concerns you-personally, professionally or financially-you need a guide who can provide you with context, clarity and direction.  

Businesses, associations, universities, schools and faith communities have relied upon Jeff Renner to provide that timely guidance, custom tailored to their individual needs and interests. He combines the analytical and story-telling abilities of an award-winning science journalist with the perspective and knowledge of a seasoned atmospheric scientist.  Jeff’s peers have recognized his ability to clearly, engagingly and entertainingly explain science with 9 Emmys. He has been invited to present at or participate in climate discussions at the White House, the Vatican, the Swiss High Altitude Observatory and the National Center for Atmospheric Research. Jeff maintains professional memberships in both the National Speakers Association and the American Meteorological Society, which he’s served as a board and committee member. 


·    Climate Flash Points-Assessing The Latest Impacts of Climate Change

·      What is Climate Attribution Research-What It Does and Does Not Tell Us

·      A Climate of Denial-Examining Foundations of Doubt

·      The Connection between Climate Change and Social Justice 

·      How Climate Change Impacts Our Health

·      Climate/Eco-Anxiety: The 5 things your Children Need You to Know

·      Reasons for Hope

·      Simple, Everyday Actions to Counteract Climate Change

“You are a trusted messenger if ever there was one, and your talk was a home run” Jessie Dye, Earth Ministry

“He is not only an excellent speaker, but an excellent improviser! Our audience loved it” Jared Stewart, Mount St. Helens Institute

“Thank you SO MUCH for a terrific presentation last night! I learned a lot, and also was really moved by it” Patricia Bowman, Seattle University

Transforming Climate/Eco Anxiety to a Climate of Transformation

The American Psychological Society points out that climate change is not only responsible for ongoing physical and economic damage, it’s also responsible for increasingly widespread mental health impacts.

“The ability to process information and make decisions without being disabled by extreme emotional responses is being threatened by climate change. Vulnerabilities include increased depression, stress and anxiety; personal aggression; social instability” APA, Mental Health and Our Changing Climate, 2017

A survey of adults aged 27 to 45, in a peer-reviewed study, revealed 96.5% are very or extremely concerned about the well-being of their children in a climate-changed world. A majority of young people have expressed doubts over the wisdom of starting families in such an environment.

Emmy-award winning science journalist and meteorologist Jeff Renner blends personal experience documenting and even surviving environmental disasters with guidance recommended by counseling professionals including the American Psychological Association. The result is an insightful and straightforward set of strategies every parent, grandparent, teacher or leader-everyone troubled by the decline in the health of our planet- should learn.These strategies not only address our personal responses but also offer effective means to transform the cause of those responses. His audiences have ranged from the Pacific Northwest to the Atlantic coast to the United Kingdom.

  • What the Science Says

  • Using the ‘Five ‘E’s’ to Neutralize & Transform Climate/Eco-Anxiety

  • Why the Practice of Non-violence is Critical to Effective Engagement

  • How the Nature Pyramid Will Strengthen Your Resilience

  • The Importance of ‘Awe’ Breaks for Inspiration and Persuasion

“Jeff really hit this out of the park!’ Margaret Shannon, Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, New Jersey

“I’ve really appreciated the way he combines deep knowledge, spirit, and an engaging presenting style” Annie P.

“Your programs-the presentation and the breakout sessions-are amazing” Valerie Ross, Peace and Spirituality Center, Bellevue

Breathing Underwater-Consistently build successes from your stressors…

Jeff Renner’s Speaking Sampler.

…is an adventure-filled journey through some of the world's highest risk environments and situations, guided by a nine-time Emmy-award winning television broadcaster/science journalist and documentary producer...

 • Who will demonstrate how to transform stress into confident performances 'on cue', bypassing burnout, energize collaborative teamwork and reduce employee disengagement.
What an erupting volcano taught Jeff about quickly neutralizing physical and emotional stress.
When scuba diving with a killer whale revealed how to effectively counteract fear.
Where a night-flying emergency led from anger to effective coping to unified teamwork to a successful 'landing'.
Why an invitation to a Presidential interview in the White House Rose Garden changed self-doubt-the 'imposter syndrome'- from a dream killer to a dream builder
How to develop the 'glue' that transforms stress from a stumbling block to success.

Jeff pairs his Emmy-award winning story-telling skills with a media-rich presentation; it links unforgettable experiences with concrete steps that will energize and transform your participants' approach to their work, their colleagues, their goals and their lives.

“Your presentation was GREAT! The stress-response-action steps were very helpful and well thought out!” Joyce Bottenberg

We’d love to hear more ‘war stories’ of your many adventures-will you return?” Tom Ehlers

“Everyone LOVED your talk!” Linda Woodall



Forty-five to sixty minutes will inspire renewed confidence; the confidence that leads to re-direction, re-dedication, and when necessary, the skills to move ‘Breathe Underwater’. The ability to respond and transform stressors-’the fleas of life’-with agility and confidence is best reached through personal experience and discovery. Jeff’s extended ‘Breathing Underwater’ workshop constructs the mental ‘runways’ necessary for full-throttle ‘takeoffs’ into confident performances and resilient, mutually productive relationships. Jeff expands on the stories and principles explored in his keynotes; he offers enjoyable opportunities to safely experience the techniques that transform stressors and also to explore and discover the foundations that support these methods. Each participant will leave with a ‘Flight Plan’ reference guide, and the personal confidence to successfully apply these techniques in their lives.



If your conference or meeting includes an on'-stage interview with a company, association or industry leader, wouldn’t you feel more confident if the interview was conducted by an experienced professional? Jeff’s interview subjects have included sitting U.S. Presidents, foreign heads of state, Nobel prize winners and astronauts. He continues to conduct interviews and conversations as Executive Producer and Host of the Emmy-nominated television program Challenge 2.0. Let Jeff emcee your special event or conduct your on-stage interview.

For Event/Meeting Planners